Jedit X for Mac

Jedit X for Mac

Έκδοση 2.32
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21.17 MB
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Επιλογή Εκδότη: Jedit X for Mac 2.32

Jedit X is a text editor app primarily designed for businesses. It has been redefined using the Cocoa platform which makes it work perfectly and more efficiently. Jedit X currently offers the full integration of OS X’s capabilities. Jedit X supports extensive features like tabbed window, File Drawer, non-contiguous layout, smart index menu, smart quote, rectangular paste, word completion, smart and intuitive separation between Japanese and English languages, smart URL link and many more. Jedit X has been in play for well over a decade, and the developers have stayed committed to making the app better every year. It has been continually updated and improved on. Jedit X is regarded as the most widely used text editor in Japan. It is fast, effective and easy to use.

An effective text editor with tabs, file drawers, and non-contiguous views.

Jedit X for Mac is a cross platform, programmer’s text editor written in Java. Developed by Slava Pestov and others, Jedit X is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Jedit X has been packed with various features which include compatibility with any operating system with a Java 1.6 or higher virtual machine which includes MacOS X, Linux, Unix, VMS and Windows. Efficient keyboard shortcuts, with predefined key maps for Emacs and a well documented comprehensive online help that helps new users in understanding how to optimize the capabilities of the program. It also has unlimited undo and redo feature just like other text editors. Jedit X has also has other features like Copy and paste with an unlimited number of clipboards that are termed as ‘registers’. There is also the ‘Kill ring’ feature that automatically brings back previously deleted texts plus a rich set of keyboard commands for manipulating entire words, lines and paragraphs at a time. There are also markers that help in remembering positions in files that you can return to later. Other features like the word wrap and the multiple selection option which is sometimes regarded as discontinuous selection for manipulating various chunks of text at once.

Jedit X for Mac
Jedit X for Mac
Έκδοση 2.32
Δωρεάν δοκιμαστικό
21.17 MB
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